June 27, 2012

Compact City Policies Compared

Is there a model that combines sustainable urban development and green growth? The recent OECD publication Compact City Policies: A Comparative Assessment attempts to tackle the issue.

The report came up with four key facts:

  1. There is a global trend toward urbanisation that has environmental and economic impacts. By 2050, 70% of the world's population, and 86% in OECD countries, will live in urban areas.

  2. The continuing growth of urban populations calls for a policy response that optimises land resources. Land consumption for built-up areas will increase more rapidly than the population in 30 out of 34 OECD countries.

  3. Demographics have changed. For example, the elderly population has doubled over the past 60 years in OECD countries and tripled worldwide. Urban policies will need to be tailored to the specific needs of the population.

  4. The impacts of global warming and increasing energy prices require new responses. The recent economic crisis has exacerbated the problem by reducing governments' abilities to invest in solutions such as new infrastructure.
Additionaly, the report made 5 recommendations in order to overcome the most prominent challenges and guide compact cities into sustainable development and green growth.

Read the 5 recommendations for green growth >>

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