While this is exaggerated by the comparison to April 2010 during which European airspace was closed due to the volcanic ash crisis, international travel markets in April had grown to reach a level 7% higher than the pre-recession peak of early 2008.
Top line highlights include:
International: A 16.5% increase in passenger demand was met by a 16.8% increase in capacity. Passenger load factors fell slightly from 76.8% in April 2010 to 76.7% in April this year. International freight grew by 5.4% against a capacity increase of 12.3%, pushing the freight load factor down from 55.3% in April 2010 to 51.9% in April 2011.
Domestic: Domestic markets showed 4.7% growth over the previous year, outpacing a capacity increase of 3.1%, pushing the passenger load factor to 78.8%. Domestic freight markets showed a 9.3% fall in freight traffic against a capacity decrease of 1.0% resulting in an average load factor for the month of 26.8%.
System-wide: System-wide, passenger traffic grew by 11.9%, slightly ahead of an 11.5% capacity expansion pushing the system-wide load factor to 77.4%. Freight markets grew by 3.3%, against a capacity increase of 9.2%, dropping the system-wide freight load factor to 46.5% (compared to 49.1% for the same month last year). Full story..
Source: IATA
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